I gave her an AreoGarden to have a tiny farm on her desk or at home. Yay! Oh, but cake. Yeah, German chocolate. I think instead I will just take her to eat somewhere and order desert. We can't pig out on cake. I can't because I am telling you cake is a trigger that will lead me to selling my voluptuous velvet body in some jizz crusted crack den for pizza that is three days old and laced with crabs. She can't because if I witness her gorge on cake, or even if she comes home smelling like cake, I will have to have some myself and then, well I told you the crack den crabs story already.
Anyohf*ckwhocaresgivemecakenow!way, I love you my darling GoB and
(That's HAPPY BIRTHDAY! in Webdings font, tee-hee!)
yes yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY to that CHUMPSUCKA. stay away from the crab and jizz